Best Peer to Peer Lending Platforms
Best Peer to Peer Lending Platforms (graded and ranked)

Reza Machdi-Ghazvini, CAIAAre you wondering which P2P platforms you want to invest in P2P loans on? Or are you looking for new platforms? Then you are in the right place.
We have graded and ranked over 15 P2P platforms.
In this article, we will show you:
Top 5 P2P platforms
The following platforms have ranked the best in our review.
We rated the platforms according to three criteria that, we believe, are essential for a good platform:
Interest & Risk
If you want to know exactly how the criteria and points are made up, then you can read this here
Let us have a closer look at the top 5.
#1 Mintos
Mintos is based in Riga in Latvia and was founded in 2014. It offers P2P loans between investors and loan brokers (loan originators) who are independent of the platform. This explains why Mintos is also called a P2P marketplace.
Since its inception, the platform has funded more than €8 billion worth of loans, making it the largest P2P platform in Europe.
Regulated and experienced platform with investor protection
Comparatively, high Ø interest rates of 12.73%
Free investing with automatic investment feature, 🛡️ buyback guarantee and 💶 secondary market
Mintos ranks #1 with 4.8 out of 5 stars.
#2 Twino
Twino is based in Riga, Latvia and was founded in 2015. It is a subsidiary of SIA Twino, which is also based in Latvia. On Twino, almost without exception, P2P loans are offered by loan brokers (loan originators) belonging to the same company.
Since its inception, the platform has funded more than €1 billion worth of loans, making it one of the largest P2P platforms in Europe.
Regulated and experienced platform with investor protection
Invest for free with automatic investment feature and 💶 secondary market
Comparatively, slightly higher Ø interest rates of 12.00%
Without 🛡️ buyback guarantee
Twino scores 4.6 out of 5 stars.
#3 viainvest
viainvest is based in Riga, Latvia and was founded in 2016. It is a subsidiary of VIA SMS Group, which is also based in Latvia. Almost without exception, viainvest only offers P2P loans from loan brokers (loan originators) that belong to the same company.
Since its inception, the platform has financed loans worth more than €300 million, making it one of the medium-sized P2P platforms in Europe.
Regulated and experienced platform with investor protection
Comparatively, high Ø interest rates of 13%
Free investing with automatic investment function and 🛡️ buyback guarantee
No 💶 secondary market
Viainvest scores 4.3 out of 5 stars.
#4 NEO Finance
NEO Finance is based in Vilnius, Lithuania and was founded in 2015. The P2P loans offered on the platform are brokered by the platform itself under the brand name Paskolu Klubas.
Since its inception, the platform has funded more than €100 million worth of loans and is one of the smaller P2P platforms in Europe.
Regulated and experienced platform
Comparatively, slightly higher Ø interest rates of 12%
Free investing with automatic investment feature, 🛡️ buyback guarantee and 💶 secondary market
NEO Finance scores 4.3 out of 5 stars. Based on the second decimal place, NEO Finance scores slightly below viainvest, which is why the platform only ranks 4th.
#5 iuvo
iuvo is based in Tallinn, Estonia and was founded in 2016. It is majority owned by Management Financial Group (MFG) from Bulgaria. On iuvo you can invest in the loans of loan brokers (loan originators), a large number of which also belong to Management Financial Group.
Since its inception, the platform has financed loans worth more than €300 million, making it one of the medium-sized P2P platforms in Europe.
Regulated and experienced platform
Invest for free with automatic investment function, 🛡️ buyback guarantee and 💶 secondary market
Comparatively, lower Ø interest rates of 8%
Iuvo scores 3.8 out of 5 stars.
Overview of all P2P lending platforms
But also among the other tested candidates, there are good platforms that could be worthwhile for you.
We would recommend that you to spread your investments over 5-8 P2P platforms to reduce your risk. Therefore, you should definitely also take a look at the others.
Platforms in alphabetical order
Regulated and experienced platform
Invest for free with automatic investment function, 🛡️ buyback guarantee and 💶 secondary market
Experienced platform
Free investing with automatic investment feature, 🛡️ buyback guarantee and 💶 secondary market
Not regulated
Invest for free with automatic investment function, 🛡️ buyback guarantee and 💶 secondary market
Not regulated, less experienced platform
Experienced platform
Invest for free with automatic investment feature and 💶 secondary market
Not regulated
Without 🛡️ buyback guarantee
Experienced platform
Free investing with automatic investment feature and 🛡️ buyback guarantee
Not regulated
Without 💶 secondary market
Invest for free with automatic investment feature and 🛡️ buyback guarantee
Not regulated, less experienced platform
No 💶 secondary market
Experienced platform
Free investing with automatic investment feature and buyback guarantee
Not regulated
Without 💶 secondary market
Regulated platform
Invest for free with automatic investment function and 💶 secondary market
Without 🛡️ buyback guarantee
Invest for free with 💶 secondary market
Not regulated, less experienced platform
Without 🛡️ buyback guarantee
Experienced platform
Not regulated
Without 🛡️ buyback guarantee and 💶 secondary market
Experienced platform
Free investing with automatic investment feature, 🛡️ buyback guarantee and 💶 secondary market
Not regulated
Experienced platform
Invest for free with automatic investment feature and 🛡️ buyback guarantee
Not regulated
No 💶 secondary market
How did we rate?
We rated the platforms on three criteria: safety, interest & risk, and features.
The best platform offers high safety, the highest interest rates with calculable risks, and at the same time all the useful features we want to see in a platform.
40% Security
Age: 5 points for ≥ 5 years, 4 points for ≥ 4 years, 3 points for ≥ 3 years, 2 points for ≥ 2 years, 1 point for ≥ 1 year, 0 points for ≥ 0 year
Funded loans: 5 points for ≥ 500 million, 4 points for ≥ 300 million, 3 points for ≥ 100 million, 2 points for ≥ 50 million, 1 point below 50 million
Regulation: 5 points, otherwise 0 points
40% Interest & Risk
Average interest: 5 points for highest interest rates, 4.9 - 1.1 points depending on value, 1 point for lowest interest rates (relative rating)
Red flags: 5 points if at 0 warning signals, 1 point deduction per warning signal.
20% Features
Automatic investing: 5 points if available, 0 if not
Buyback guarantee: 5 points if available, 0 if not
Secondary market: 5 points if available, 0 if not
Tax report: 5 points if available, 0 if not
App: 5 points if available, 0 if not
Bottom line: how do you find the right P2P platform for you?
When choosing the right platform, it is not only the return that matters. But also the security, interest rates, risks and availability of the functions.
We looked at and evaluated all of these points for P2P platforms.
Which platform is the right one for you now?
The answer: several at once.
Successful P2P lending means that you spread your investment amount over several loans via the best platforms. This way, you lower the risk of one platform failing and you have a wider variety of P2P loans to invest in.
Check out the top platforms in our comparison and choose 3-5 platforms to start with.
💡 Tip: Choose platforms that have a variety of offerings, such as loans from different countries or a mix of short-term consumer loans and longer-term real estate loans.
And if you're just starting to invest, check out our beginner's guide.